Tag Archives: Permablitz

Permablitzing for Edible Yards


A Permablitz is a gathering of people that come together to create edible gardens in once unproductive back yards using permaculture principles.

Participants must take a permaculture class ahead of the event. Once a person contributes to transforming about 3 yards they become eligible to have their own yard transformed for free. They also walk away with free permaculture lessons, fresh ideas, new friends and hands on experience.

Permablitzes were originated by Dan Palmer and some friends of his from a South American community group. They have taken place mostly in Australia, with several other events happening internationally since 2006.

The Permablitz Melbourne Collective facilitate blitzes as well as connect people that want to make them happen.

In the US the only permablitzes I found were happening in Hawaii, Texas, and Maine. Maybe similar events are happening under a different name.

If you know of any other Permablitzes taking place in the US, or internationally, please comment to let us know.

To learn more about Permablitz visit http://www.permablitz.net/.